Are You Looking For Orthotics In Finglas & Mount Merrion ?

Conveniently located in Mount Merrion and Dublin 11

The Rise Medical Centre, Mount Merrion, Dublin, A94

Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 6:00pm

Free Parking Available

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“Orthotics...8 Things To Know Before Spending Your Hard Earned Money”

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Dublin's Most Reviewed Podiatry Clinic

Finglas & Mount Merrion

Does any of this sound like YOU?

  • You are getting foot pain and not sure what to do or who to ask?

  • You think you might need orthotics but are not sure if they will work for you?

  • You are confused about which orthotics are right for you?

  • You have tried expensive orthotics in the past but you are still in pain?

  • You are frustrated that your foot pain is stopping you from doing the things you love?

  • You have got orthotics but they are too big to fit into shoes other than trainers?

  • You are avoiding going for walks because of your pain?

  • You have recurring foot, ankle, knee or back pain?

If you answered YES to any of the above, you may have found the ANSWER to your orthotics questions at Foot Focus Podiatry Clinic, Finglas & Mount Merrion

Got a Question?

Ask Foot Focus Podiatry Clinic And Their Team of Expert Podiatrists

What is Orthotic Therapy?

Orthotic therapy is a specialised form of medical treatment that focuses on the mechanics of the foot and ankle. It involves the use of custom-made orthotics, or inserts, that are designed to support and realign these complex structures to alleviate pain, prevent injury, and improve overall function.

Our feet and ankles are constantly subjected to a range of demands and impacts as we move throughout the day, whether it’s walking, running, jumping, or simply going about our daily activities.

If these structures are not functioning properly, it can result in stress, pain, and even pathological conditions.Orthotic therapy provides a solution to this problem by addressing the root cause of the biomechanical dysfunction.

Using advanced technology and a deep understanding of foot and ankle anatomy and function, our podiatrists can design orthotics that are tailored to your unique needs. Whether you are looking to alleviate pain, prevent injury, or simply improve your performance, orthotic therapy provides an effective and long-lasting solution.

Download Your FREE Orthotics Information Pack:

“Orthotics...8 Things To Know Before Spending Your Hard Earned Money”

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What Are Orthotics?

Orthotics are specialised medical devices that are designed to support and improve the function of your feet, ankles, knees, hips, and lower back. These devices can come in various shapes and sizes, and are typically made from materials like foam, plastic, or carbon fiber. They are often prescribed by healthcare professionals such as podiatrists, orthopedic surgeons, and physiotherapists to help manage a wide range of foot and lower limb conditions.

Here are a few ways that orthotics can potentially help you:

  • Provide arch support: Orthotics can help distribute the weight of your body evenly across your feet, reducing the pressure on specific areas and providing additional support to your arches.

  • Improve foot and ankle alignment: If you have flat feet or other alignment issues, orthotics can help realign your feet and ankles, improving your gait and reducing the risk of developing related conditions such as plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendinitis.

  • Reduce pain: If you suffer from chronic foot, ankle, or lower limb pain, orthotics can help cushion your feet and provide additional shock absorption, reducing the impact of each step and potentially alleviating your discomfort.

  • Aid in injury recovery: If you've recently suffered a foot or ankle injury, orthotics can help support and stabilize the affected area, allowing it to heal more quickly and reducing the risk of further injury.

  • Improve athletic performance: Athletes can benefit from custom orthotics designed to meet the specific needs of their sport and biomechanics. Orthotics can help improve stability, reduce the risk of injury, and enhance overall performance.

What Are Orthotics Used For?

Foot Pain

Orthotics are used to address all types of foot injuries including:

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Heel Pain

  • Metatarsalgia

  • Pain in the ball of the foot

  • Fallen arches

  • Heel Spurs

  • Walking / gait problems

Ankle Pain

Orthotics can be used to address injuries in the ankle joint and tissues around it such as:

  • Achilles tendonitis

  • Ankle hypermobility

  • Ligament strains

Back Pain and Knee Pain

Orthotics help to correct imbalances in the movement patterns of the feet.

Correction of these imbalances can help to improve the function of other areas in the body, particularly the knee joints and the low back.


The improvement in foot movement and the cushioning and support that orthotics provide can help to offload other joints.

This can make a big difference if you are struggling with knee or hip arthritis, making walking easier and less painful.

Download Your FREE Orthotics Information Pack

Orthotics... 8 Things To Know Before Spending Your Hard Earned Money

What is the Difference Between Store insoles and Custom Orthotics?

The difference between store-bought insoles and custom orthotics lies primarily in their fit, correction, durability, effectiveness, and cost. Store-bought insoles are designed to fit a general range of shoe sizes and foot shapes and provide basic support and cushioning.

However, they may not be effective for treating complex foot conditions and are often made from low-quality materials that wear out quickly.

On the other hand, custom orthotics are moulded to fit an individual’s specific foot shape and arch structure and are designed to correct specific foot problems and biomechanical imbalances.

They are made from high-quality materials that are designed to last for several years with proper care and are often a more cost-effective solution in the long term as they provide long-lasting relief from pain and discomfort.

Tired of Living with Foot Pain? We Can Help

  • Fill in the form to request a Call From Our Team

  • One of our team members will call you for FREE and answer any questions or concerns you may have about your condition.

The Orthotic Therapy Programme at Foot Focus Podiatry Clinic

Step 1: Measurement

We will take you through a detailed Footscan assessment to analyse your standing posture, balance and gait, capturing multiple left and right foot strikes.

Step 2: Analysis

Our expert clinician will observe how your feet function during your natural gait to identify any asymmetries or abnormalities in your foot pressure, timings and stability. We will then suggest the most suitable treatment pathway to assist you moving forwards.

Step 3: Design

Following your analysis, if deemed appropriate, we will design you a bespoke pair of Phits orthotics which will be 3D printed to meet your exact specifications using the dynamic data from your Footscan assessment.

Step 4: 3D Print

Your orthotics will be 3D printed, quality controlled and personalised by our team at Materialise, the industry front-runners in 3D printed orthotic manufacture.

Step 5: Fitting

After a couple of weeks, you will return to the clinic and fit your new orthotics to optimise your foot function and comfort with every step.

Is the Orthotic Therapy Programme Right for You?

  • Are your feet sore on a regular basis?

  • You can't remember the last time you didn't have foot pain getting out of bed in the morning?

  • Do you spend a lot of time standing?

  • Does standing, walking and running make your joints sore?

  • Do you have visible foot problems such as flat feet, bunions, callouses or high arches?

  • Do your parents have problems with their feet?

  • You have tried orthotics in the past, but they were too big for your everyday shoes and only fit in trainers?

  • Your foot pain is stopping you getting out and about and doing the things you love?

If you answered YES to any of the above, you may have found the ANSWER to your orthotics questions at Foot Focus Podiatry Clinic, Finglas & Mount Merrion

Still Not Sure If Orthotics Are Right For You? Take Us Up On One Of Our FREE Options

Option #1 (👍 most popular)

Option #2

Your First Podiatry Visit: A Step-by-Step Guide

We can't wait to meet you for your first podiatry appointment! Your comfort and understanding are our top priorities. If you have any inquiries about our treatments, our practice, or payment methods, please don't hesitate to ask. Our aim is to help you regain a pain-free life, so let's work together to achieve that goal!

  • Discuss your foot health goals

  • Complete foot examination

  • Discover your options

  • Start a custom treatment plan

6 Reasons To Choose Foot Focus Podiatry Clinic

  • Highly qualified and experienced podiatrists: The team at Foot Focus Podiatry Clinic in Dublin has a team of podiatrists with exceptional qualifications and experience. Every practitioner is adept at diagnosing and managing a wide array of foot and ankle conditions. With their wealth of expertise, you can trust in the delivery of exceptional care.

  • Extensive Expertise in Foot Health: Foot Focus Podiatry Clinic in Dublin takes pride in its highly qualified and well-experienced team of podiatrists. These experts are trained to diagnose and treat a wide range of foot and ankle conditions, ensuring that your care is in the best possible hands.

  • State-of-the-Art Equipment for Optimal Care: We've equipped our clinic with the most advanced podiatric technology and equipment available. This investment ensures that you receive diagnoses with the highest level of accuracy and recommended treatments that are remarkably effective, all geared towards expediting healing and reducing pain.

  • Convenient Location: Situated in the heart of Dublin, the clinics offers easy accessibility for both city residents and those from the surrounding areas. This central location makes it simple for patients to schedule and attend appointments without hassle.

  • Focus on Education: Foot Focus Podiatry Clinic believes in educating patients about their conditions and treatment options. You'll receive clear explanations about your diagnosis and treatment plan, empowering you to take an active role in your foot health. Additionally, they provide preventative advice to help you maintain healthy feet in the long term.

  • Happy Patients, Positive Reviews: The resounding success of Foot Focus Podiatry Clinic is vividly portrayed through our happy patients' positive feedback and testimonials. Their experiences highlight our clinic's unrelenting pursuit of excellence and dedication to ensuring every patient leaves satisfied and content.

Frequently Asked Questions About Orthotics

What are orthotics?

Orthotics are specialised devices designed to support and align the feet, ankles, and lower limbs. They are commonly used to improve foot function, alleviate pain, and provide better stability.

What conditions or problems can orthotics help with?

Orthotics can help with a variety of conditions including flat feet, high arches, plantar fasciitis, bunions, achilles tendonitis, shin splints, and overpronation or supination of the feet.

How do orthotics work?

Orthotics work by providing support, cushioning, and realigning the feet and lower limbs. They can help redistribute pressure, correct foot mechanics, improve stability, and reduce excessive motion that may cause pain or discomfort.

Can orthotics be used for both adults and children?

Yes, orthotics can be used for both adults and children. However, the specific type of orthotics and treatment approach may vary depending on the individual's age and condition.

Are orthotics custom-made for each individual?

Orthotics can be either custom-made or prefabricated. Custom-made orthotics are specifically crafted to fit an individual's unique foot shape and address their specific needs. Prefabricated orthotics are pre-made and come in standard sizes but can still provide some benefits.

How long do I need to wear orthotics?

The duration of orthotic use depends on the individual's condition and treatment goals. Some people may need to wear orthotics consistently, while others may only require them during certain activities or for a specific period of time. Your healthcare provider will guide you on the appropriate duration.

Will orthotics cure my condition?

Orthotics are not a cure for underlying conditions, but they can help manage symptoms and improve foot function. They are often used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan that may include exercises, footwear modifications, and other interventions.

Can I wear orthotics with any type of shoes?

Orthotics can be worn with a wide range of shoes, including athletic shoes, casual footwear, and some dress shoes. However, certain shoe styles may have limited space or insufficient support for accommodating orthotics, so it's important to consider footwear compatibility.

Are there different types of orthotics available?

Yes, there are various types of orthotics available, including arch supports, insoles, heel cups, and full-length orthotics. The type recommended will depend on the individual's condition and specific needs.

How often should I replace my orthotics?

The lifespan of orthotics varies depending on factors such as usage, activity level, and wear and tear. On average, custom-made orthotics may last 2-5 years, while prefabricated ones may have a shorter lifespan. Regular assessments by a healthcare professional can help determine if replacement is necessary.

Can I wear orthotics during physical activities or sports?

Yes, orthotics can be worn during physical activities and sports. In fact, they can provide added support, stability, and shock absorption, reducing the risk of injuries and enhancing performance. Consult with your healthcare provider for specific recommendations based on your activity level and needs.

Do orthotics have any side effects?

When properly fitted and used, orthotics generally do not cause significant side effects. However, some individuals may experience temporary discomfort or adjustment periods as their feet adapt to the new support. If any persistent issues arise, it's best to consult with your healthcare provider.

Will orthotics make my feet weaker?

Orthotics are designed to support and align the feet, but they do not inherently weaken the muscles. In fact, they can help improve foot function, which may ultimately contribute to better muscle strength and stability over time.

Can orthotics be used as a substitute for surgery?

In some cases, orthotics can be used as a conservative and non-invasive alternative to surgery. They may help alleviate symptoms and improve foot mechanics, reducing the need for surgical intervention. However, the suitability of orthotics as an alternative to surgery depends on the specific condition and should be determined by a healthcare professional.

Please note that while these answers provide general information, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional for personalised advice and recommendations based on your specific condition and needs.

Have Questions? Request a Call Back and Speak With Our Expert Team of Physiotherapists & Podiatrists

  • Fill in the form to request a Call From Our Team

  • One of our team members will call you for FREE and answer any questions or concerns you may have about your aches and pains.

Where To Find Foot Focus Podiatry Clinic

Foot Focus - Mount Merrion, Co. Dublin

The Rise Medical Centre, Mount Merrion, Dublin, A94 E0C1, Ireland

The Rise Medical Centre, Mount Merrion, Dublin, A94

Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 6:00pm

Free Parking Available

Foot Focus - Finglas, Dublin 11

Main St, Ballygall, Dublin, Ireland

49 Main St, Finglas, Dublin 11

Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 6:00pm

Free Parking Available

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